Baby care: my favorite products and accessories for caring for Beatrice

Already 3 months of life for my cocotte as I write these lines. Since her arrival, I've had the pleasure of testing several baby products. As you know, I love to find the best and I'm all about quality. So it gives me great pleasure to share with you my favorite products and accessories for taking care of your little ones!


My favorite baby products from the Quebec Lolo line

Ahhh, the incredible scent of Lolo products! To say I'm totally hooked would almost be underestimating the love I have for this brand. I'm 100% OBSESSED! Not only are they local products made from olive oil, their scent is simply incredible. Here are my favorite products from the range (and the only ones I currently use):


What I use to take care of baby: bath, towels, diapers, wipes and more.

Secondly, here are my favorite accessories for taking care of my baby:


We hope this little list will help you with your baby shopping! There are so many products available on the market that sometimes it's hard to find your way around! All these products have been tested and I highly recommend them.


Equip yourself for baby's arrival: car seat, stroller, high chair, here's my selection.


12 must-have products that save my life every day with my newborn.